
WeatherCat Tags Reference

This page details tags that can be used in custom web pages. The web tags here are generated by WeatherCat V3.30, Build 300 (64 bit) running on a 13 inch 2011 MacBook Air with 4GB of RAM running macOS 10.13.6. This is a new location so there is little data - collection started on 1st October 2021. Also note currently the anemometer is not located. The webcam is a DCS-932L.

(Note: It's possible this page is being generated by a development version of WeatherCat and as such may contain features not yet available in a released version.)

Tags are case sensitive and end in a dollar symbol "$". For example CT$ is correct whereas ct$ is incorrect and will not work. Where a tag takes parameters, there must be no spaces between the tag and parameter or between successive parameters.

Looks Like

Replaced with the current temperature, temperature units and hourly change in brackets.
Temperature is CT$
Temperature is 11.8°C (1.4)
Replaced with the current dew point, dew point units and hourly change in brackets.
Dew point is CD$
Dew point is 10.6°C (1.4)
Replaced with the current wind chill, wind chill units and hourly change in brackets.
Wind chill is CWC$
Wind chill is 11.8°C (1.4)
Replaced with the current wind direction and units.
Wind direction is: CX$
Wind direction is: North
Replaced with the current average wind speed and units.
Average wind speed is CW$
Average wind speed is 0 MPH (0)
Replaced with the current wind gust and units.
Wind gust is CG$
Wind gust is 0 MPH (0)
Replaced with current barometric pressure, units and hourly change.
Current pressure is CP$
Current pressure is 1,026.0 mb (0.4)
Replaced with current hourly precipitation rate, units and hourly change.
Current hourly precipitation is CR$
Current hourly precipitation is 0.0 mm/h (0.0)
Replaced with current conditions (when available)
Current conditions: CC$
Current conditions: Overcast
Replaced with current forecast (Vantage/Vue/WLIP/WS23xx only currently)
Current forecast: CF$
Current forecast: Mostly clear and cooler.
Replaced with current short forecast (Vantage/Vue/WLIP only currently)
Current short forecast: CSF$
Current short forecast: N/A
Replaced with the time of the last valid data
Time of data: CU$
Time of data: 22 Oct 2024 11:05 am
Replaced with the current 16 sector 10-minute average wind direction as text
Current Wind Direction: WDTEXT$
Current Wind Direction: N
Replaced with the current 10-minute average wind direction as degrees
Current Wind Direction: WDDEGREES$
Current Wind Direction: 000
Replaced with the current 16 sector dominant wind direction (today) as text (V1.1.3 onwards)
Dominant Wind Direction Today: DOMWDTEXT$
Dominant Wind Direction Today: N
Replaced with the current dominant wind direction (today) as degrees (V1.1.3 onwards)
Dominant Wind Direction Today: DOMWDDEGREES$
Dominant Wind Direction Today: 0
Replaced with the current dominant wind direction over PERIOD as degrees (V1.1.4 onwards)
Dominant Wind Direction today since 9AM: DOMWDDEGREES(TODAYSINCE9)$
Dominant Wind Direction today since 9AM: 0
The 'lowest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes rounded down to nearest 10 degrees (V1.1.4 onwards).
The 'highest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes rounded down to nearest 10 degrees (V1.1.4 onwards).
Replaced with a list of 8 wind-rose values covering today (starting at north and running clockwise, 1 value for every 45 degrees) (V1.1.3 onwards). There's also WINDROSE45$ which will produce a list of 45 values at 8 degree increments
Windrose 8: WINDROSE8$
Windrose 8: 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
Replaced with a list of 8 wind-rose values (starting at north and running clockwise, 1 value for every 45 degrees) over the period specified by PERIOD which can be any of the periods accepted by the STAT$ tag (see below) (V1.1.4 onwards). There's also WINDROSE45(PERIOD)$ which will produce a list of 45 values at 8 degree increments
Windrose 8: 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
Replaced with the current barometric trend as text
Current Barometric Trend: BTTEXT$
Current Barometric Trend: Rising Slowly
Rain storm value (Vantage/Vue/WLIP)
Current rain storm value: RS$ RAINUNITS$
Current rain storm value: 8.8 mm
Rain storm start date (Vantage/Vue/WLIP)
Current rain storm start date: RSD$
Current rain storm start: 19 Oct 2024
Last significant (0.6mm or more) rain date and amount
Last known rain date: RLD$
Last known rain date: 20 Oct 2024 (1.6 mm)
Last significant (0.6mm or more) rain date (ISO 8601 format)
Last known rain date: RLDi$
Last known rain date: 2024-10-20
Replaced with the current apparent temperature (Australian version) (Version 1.1.3 onwards)
Apparent temperature is AT_Aus$
Apparent temperature is 12.1
Replaced with the current apparent temperature (US version) (Version 1.1.3 onwards)
Apparent temperature is AT_US$
Apparent temperature is 12.2
Replaced with the current humidex (Version 1.1.3 onwards)
Humidex is HUMIDEX$
Humidex is 13.4
Replaced with the current potential solar radiation (Version 1.2.0 onwards)
Current potential solar radiation is CPS$
Current potential solar radiation is 291

WEATHERFACT$ Replaced with an interesting weather fact/note. A new fact is generated daily at random. WEATHERFACT$ Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women!
JOURNT$ Replaced with the journal text. Station journal
Station journal

12-Oct-2024 10:46 PM
Version 3.3.0 released!

COUNTEDJOURNT$nnnn$ Replaced with the latest nnnn journal entries (where nnnn is 1 to 9999). Last 5 station journal entries
Last 5 station journal entries

12-Oct-2024 10:46 PM
Version 3.3.0 released!

Replaced with wind direction at the time of the high gust over the given period, where PERIOD is one of the periods usable with the STAT$ tag (see below) (Version 1.1.4 onwards)
High gust wind direction today is MAXGUSTDIR(TODAY)$
High gust wind direction today is 0 degrees
Replaced with wind direction at the time of the maximum gust over the given period as text, where PERIOD is one of the periods usable with the STAT$ tag (see below) (Version 1.1.4 onwards)
Maximum gust wind direction today is MAXGUSTDIRTEXT(TODAY)$
Maximum gust wind direction today is North
Replaced with station records. Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.

Trixology Test

Highest recorded temperature: 41.1 °C on Jul 19, 2022
Lowest recorded temperature: -7.7 °C on Dec 15, 2022
Total recorded temperature range: 48.8 °C

Highest recorded pressure: 1,047.07 mb on Feb 5, 2023
Lowest recorded pressure: 960.48 mb on Nov 2, 2023
Total recorded pressure range: 86.59 mb

Highest recorded wind speed: 1.3 MPH on Jan 31, 2022

Wettest day on record: Sep 18, 2023 with 28.8 mm of rain.

Sunniest day on record: Apr 29, 2022 with 7.9 hours of sunshine.

Replaced with recent statistics. Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.

Trixology Test

Temperature (°C)
	Maximum: 28 days: 19.6       7 days: 18.4       24hrs: 13.2       Today: 11.8
	Minimum: 28 days: 1.4        7 days: 7.4        24hrs: 8.4        Today: 8.4
	Average: 28 days: 11.3       7 days: 12.9       24hrs: 10.7       Today: 9.5      

Dew Point (°C)
	Maximum: 28 days: 16.4       7 days: 16.4       24hrs: 10.6       Today: 10.6
	Minimum: 28 days: -0.2       7 days: 6.0        24hrs: 6.9        Today: 6.9
	Average: 28 days: 8.9        7 days: 10.8       24hrs: 8.7        Today: 8.1      

Heat Index (°C)
	Maximum: 28 days: 19.6       7 days: 18.4       24hrs: 13.2       Today: 11.8
	Minimum: 28 days: 1.4        7 days: 7.4        24hrs: 8.4        Today: 8.4
	Average: 28 days: 11.3       7 days: 12.9       24hrs: 10.7       Today: 9.5      

Wind Chill (°C)
	Maximum: 28 days: 19.6       7 days: 18.4       24hrs: 13.2       Today: 11.8
	Minimum: 28 days: 1.4        7 days: 7.4        24hrs: 8.4        Today: 8.4
	Average: 28 days: 11.3       7 days: 12.9       24hrs: 10.7       Today: 9.5      

Wind Speed - 10 Minute Gust (MPH)
	Maximum: 28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0
	Minimum: 28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0
	Average: 28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0      

Wind Speed - 10 Minute Average (MPH)
	Maximum: 28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0
	Minimum: 28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0
	Average: 28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0      

Wind Run (miles)
	 Total:  28 days: 0.0        7 days: 0.0        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0      

Wind Direction (Compass)
	Average: 28 days: North  7 days: North  24hrs: North  Today: North

Pressure (mb)
	Maximum: 28 days: 1,026.17   7 days: 1,026.07   24hrs: 1,026.07   Today: 1,026.07 
	Minimum: 28 days: 984.25     7 days: 998.61     24hrs: 1,019.30   Today: 1,021.53 
	Average: 28 days: 1,008.37   7 days: 1,010.62   24hrs: 1,022.15   Today: 1,023.70 

Precipitation (mm)
	Max(/h): 28 days: 48.0       7 days: 4.8        24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0
	Totals:  28 days: 81.4       7 days: 12.0       24hrs: 0.0        Today: 0.0

Solar Radiation (W/m^2)
	Max:     28 days: 756        7 days: 552        24hrs: 137        Today: 137
	Average: 28 days: 37.62      7 days: 31.11      24hrs: 29.16      Today: 24.92    

Replaced with the current daily statistics. Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Daily Statistics: STDAILY$
Daily Statistics:

Trixology Test

Hour		TempHi	TempLo	HeatHi	HeatLo	ChillHi	ChillLo	DewPHi	DewPLo	HumHi	HumLo	PresHi	PresLo	R/hHi	R/hLo	Rain	AvWsHi	AvWsLo	GustHi	GustLo	WDir	WRun	SolHi	SolLo	UVHi	UVLo
0		9.6	9.2	9.6	9.2	9.6	9.2	8.0	7.7	90	90	1,022.0	1,021.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
1		9.2	8.7	9.2	8.7	9.2	8.7	7.6	7.2	90	90	1,022.3	1,022.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
2		8.7	8.5	8.7	8.5	8.7	8.5	7.1	7.0	90	90	1,022.4	1,022.3	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
3		8.7	8.6	8.7	8.6	8.7	8.6	7.1	7.0	90	90	1,022.4	1,022.3	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
4		8.6	8.4	8.6	8.4	8.6	8.4	7.2	6.9	91	90	1,022.9	1,022.3	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
5		8.8	8.4	8.8	8.4	8.8	8.4	7.4	7.1	91	91	1,023.1	1,022.9	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
6		9.2	8.8	9.2	8.8	9.2	8.8	7.9	7.4	92	91	1,023.4	1,023.2	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
7		9.3	9.1	9.3	9.1	9.3	9.1	7.9	7.7	91	91	1,024.3	1,023.4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	7	0	0.0	0.0
8		9.8	9.2	9.8	9.2	9.8	9.2	8.5	7.8	92	91	1,024.6	1,024.2	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	21	7	0.0	0.0
9		10.2	9.8	10.2	9.8	10.2	9.8	9.0	8.5	92	92	1,025.5	1,024.8	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	83	18	0.0	0.0
10		11.4	10.3	11.4	10.3	11.4	10.3	10.2	9.0	92	92	1,025.9	1,025.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	137	25	0.0	0.0
11		11.8	11.6	11.8	11.6	11.8	11.6	10.6	10.4	92	92	1,026.1	1,026.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	132	118	0.0	0.0

Daily High  	11.8	11.6	11.8	11.6	11.8	11.6	10.6	10.4	92	92	1,026.1	1,026.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	-	0.0	137	118	0.0	0.0
Daily Low   	8.6	8.4	8.6	8.4	8.6	8.4	7.1	6.9	90	90	1,022.0	1,021.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	-	0.0	0	0	0.0	0.0
Daily Average	9.6	9.2	9.6	9.2	9.6	9.2	8.2	7.8	91	91	1,023.8	1,023.4	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	32	14	0.0	0.0
Daily Total  															0.0						0.0

Replaced with the current monthly statistics (part 1). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Monthly Statistics (part 1): STMONTHLY1$
Monthly Statistics (part 1):

Trixology Test

Day		TempHi	TempLo	TempAv	HeatHi	HeatLo	HeatAv	ChillHi	ChillLo	ChillAv	DewPHi	DewPLo	DewPAv	HumHi	HumLo	HumAv	PresHi	PresLo	PresAv
1		12.2	10.4	11.4	12.2	10.4	11.4	12.2	10.4	11.4	11.3	9.4	10.4	94	93	94	1,011.4	1,006.7	1,008.9
2		13.3	7.8	11.2	13.3	7.8	11.2	13.3	7.8	11.2	11.5	5.8	9.6	95	77	90	1,022.0	1,011.4	1,017.0
3		18.2	5.1	10.5	18.2	5.1	10.5	18.2	5.1	10.5	12.9	3.5	7.8	94	66	84	1,023.7	1,021.5	1,022.5
4		18.6	6.1	11.1	18.6	6.1	11.1	18.6	6.1	11.1	11.3	4.5	7.7	92	60	80	1,022.5	1,019.0	1,020.7
5		18.4	6.6	11.5	18.4	6.6	11.5	18.4	6.6	11.5	11.9	4.9	8.0	91	62	80	1,019.3	1,006.2	1,013.6
6		14.2	10.4	12.1	14.2	10.4	12.1	14.2	10.4	12.1	11.7	7.6	10.0	93	81	87	1,006.2	994.4	999.6
7		19.6	10.2	13.9	19.6	10.2	13.9	19.6	10.2	13.9	14.0	9.0	11.4	94	63	86	997.9	993.9	996.0
8		17.1	11.9	13.4	17.1	11.9	13.4	17.1	11.9	13.4	14.0	10.5	11.9	93	79	91	994.0	987.5	991.3
9		15.0	10.3	12.4	15.0	10.3	12.4	15.0	10.3	12.4	14.2	8.9	11.2	95	91	92	995.1	986.0	988.3
10		12.1	4.0	8.6	12.1	4.0	8.6	12.1	4.0	8.6	8.9	1.7	5.5	91	66	81	1,014.0	995.2	1,006.5
11		13.6	1.4	6.5	13.6	1.4	6.5	13.6	1.4	6.5	6.9	-0.2	3.0	90	58	79	1,017.3	1,013.7	1,015.5
12		12.8	6.4	8.7	12.8	6.4	8.7	12.8	6.4	8.7	9.4	3.0	5.7	89	66	81	1,013.7	1,003.3	1,007.4
13		11.7	3.9	7.4	11.7	3.9	7.4	11.7	3.9	7.4	5.9	2.0	4.1	89	64	80	1,019.6	1,009.3	1,017.1
14		11.0	6.2	8.6	11.0	6.2	8.6	11.0	6.2	8.6	8.2	4.2	6.3	89	79	85	1,018.2	1,014.0	1,016.1
15		14.4	9.8	12.0	14.4	9.8	12.0	14.4	9.8	12.0	12.5	7.2	10.2	92	84	89	1,017.6	1,007.0	1,013.5
16		17.2	13.2	15.3	17.2	13.2	15.3	17.2	13.2	15.3	16.4	11.7	14.3	95	91	94	1,007.0	998.6	1,001.5
17		17.2	11.3	14.1	17.2	11.3	14.1	17.2	11.3	14.1	14.6	9.0	11.9	94	75	87	1,014.1	1,000.9	1,008.4
18		16.1	7.4	11.6	16.1	7.4	11.6	16.1	7.4	11.6	12.6	6.0	9.5	94	73	87	1,015.2	1,007.6	1,012.2
19		18.4	10.5	13.3	18.4	10.5	13.3	18.4	10.5	13.3	13.3	8.3	11.0	94	68	86	1,014.2	1,005.7	1,010.0
20		15.8	9.7	12.7	15.8	9.7	12.7	15.8	9.7	12.7	14.0	8.0	10.2	92	73	85	1,013.6	1,001.2	1,006.5
21		13.2	9.6	11.8	13.2	9.6	11.8	13.2	9.6	11.8	10.1	7.7	8.8	90	71	82	1,021.7	1,010.3	1,018.3
22		11.8	8.4	9.5	11.8	8.4	9.5	11.8	8.4	9.5	10.6	6.9	8.1	92	90	91	1,026.1	1,021.5	1,023.7

Monthly High	19.6	13.2	15.3	19.6	13.2	15.3	19.6	13.2	15.3	16.4	11.7	14.3	95	93	94	1,026.1	1,021.5	1,023.7
Monthly Low 	11.0	1.4	6.5	11.0	1.4	6.5	11.0	1.4	6.5	5.9	-0.2	3.0	89	58	79	994.0	986.0	988.3
Monthly Average	15.1	8.2	11.3	15.1	8.2	11.3	15.1	8.2	11.3	11.6	6.3	8.9	92	74	86	1,013.8	1,005.2	1,009.8

Replaced with the current monthly statistics (part 2). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Monthly Statistics (part 2): STMONTHLY2$
Monthly Statistics (part 2):

Trixology Test

Day		R/hHi	R/hLo	R/hAv	Rain	Snow	AvWsHi	AvWsLo	AvWsAv	GustHi	GustLo	GustAv	WDir	WRun	SolHi	SolLo	SolAv	UVHi	UVLo	UVAv
1		5.2	0.0	0.6	14.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	33	0	6	0.0	0.0	0.0
2		1.0	0.0	0.0	1.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	169	0	21	0.0	0.0	0.0
3		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	714	0	56	0.0	0.0	0.0
4		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	661	0	69	0.0	0.0	0.0
5		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	686	0	76	0.0	0.0	0.0
6		5.2	0.0	0.0	1.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	169	0	25	0.0	0.0	0.0
7		0.2	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	640	0	58	0.0	0.0	0.0
8		48.0	0.0	1.5	18.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	396	0	23	0.0	0.0	0.0
9		19.6	0.0	0.2	1.8	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	561	0	22	0.0	0.0	0.0
10		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	346	0	46	0.0	0.0	0.0
11		0.2	0.0	0.0	0.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	612	0	64	0.0	0.0	0.0
12		0.2	0.0	0.0	0.4	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	327	0	24	0.0	0.0	0.0
13		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	418	0	48	0.0	0.0	0.0
14		0.2	0.0	0.0	0.8	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	149	0	20	0.0	0.0	0.0
15		1.4	0.0	0.0	0.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	125	0	20	0.0	0.0	0.0
16		2.2	0.0	0.0	2.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	111	0	9	0.0	0.0	0.0
17		0.2	0.0	0.0	0.4	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	547	0	49	0.0	0.0	0.0
18		0.2	0.0	0.0	0.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	529	0	42	0.0	0.0	0.0
19		4.8	0.0	0.3	7.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	552	0	52	0.0	0.0	0.0
20		1.4	0.0	0.1	1.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	120	0	15	0.0	0.0	0.0
21		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	120	0	24	0.0	0.0	0.0
22		0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	137	0	25	0.0	0.0	0.0

Monthly High	48.0	0.0	1.5	18.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-	0.0	714	0	76	0.0	0.0	0.0
Monthly Low 	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-	0.0	33	0	6	0.0	0.0	0.0
Monthly Average	4.1	0.0	0.1	2.3	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	369	0	36	0.0	0.0	0.0
Monthly Total				50.6	0.0								0.0

Replaced with the current monthly statistics (all). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Monthly Statistics: STMONTHLY$
Monthly Statistics:

Trixology Test

Day		TempHi	TempLo	TempAv	HeatHi	HeatLo	HeatAv	ChillHi	ChillLo	ChillAv	DewPHi	DewPLo	DewPAv	HumHi	HumLo	HumAv	PresHi	PresLo	PresAv	R/hHi	R/hLo	R/hAv	Rain	Snow	AvWsHi	AvWsLo	AvWsAv	GustHi	GustLo	GustAv	WDir	WRun	SolHi	SolLo	SolAv	UVHi	UVLo	UVAv
1		12.2	10.4	11.4	12.2	10.4	11.4	12.2	10.4	11.4	11.3	9.4	10.4	94	93	94	1,011.4	1,006.7	1,008.9	5.2	0.0	0.6	14.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	33	0	6	0.0	0.0	0.0
2		13.3	7.8	11.2	13.3	7.8	11.2	13.3	7.8	11.2	11.5	5.8	9.6	95	77	90	1,022.0	1,011.4	1,017.0	1.0	0.0	0.0	1.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	169	0	21	0.0	0.0	0.0
3		18.2	5.1	10.5	18.2	5.1	10.5	18.2	5.1	10.5	12.9	3.5	7.8	94	66	84	1,023.7	1,021.5	1,022.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	714	0	56	0.0	0.0	0.0
4		18.6	6.1	11.1	18.6	6.1	11.1	18.6	6.1	11.1	11.3	4.5	7.7	92	60	80	1,022.5	1,019.0	1,020.7	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	661	0	69	0.0	0.0	0.0
5		18.4	6.6	11.5	18.4	6.6	11.5	18.4	6.6	11.5	11.9	4.9	8.0	91	62	80	1,019.3	1,006.2	1,013.6	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	686	0	76	0.0	0.0	0.0
6		14.2	10.4	12.1	14.2	10.4	12.1	14.2	10.4	12.1	11.7	7.6	10.0	93	81	87	1,006.2	994.4	999.6	5.2	0.0	0.0	1.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	169	0	25	0.0	0.0	0.0
7		19.6	10.2	13.9	19.6	10.2	13.9	19.6	10.2	13.9	14.0	9.0	11.4	94	63	86	997.9	993.9	996.0	0.2	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	640	0	58	0.0	0.0	0.0
8		17.1	11.9	13.4	17.1	11.9	13.4	17.1	11.9	13.4	14.0	10.5	11.9	93	79	91	994.0	987.5	991.3	48.0	0.0	1.5	18.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	396	0	23	0.0	0.0	0.0
9		15.0	10.3	12.4	15.0	10.3	12.4	15.0	10.3	12.4	14.2	8.9	11.2	95	91	92	995.1	986.0	988.3	19.6	0.0	0.2	1.8	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	561	0	22	0.0	0.0	0.0
10		12.1	4.0	8.6	12.1	4.0	8.6	12.1	4.0	8.6	8.9	1.7	5.5	91	66	81	1,014.0	995.2	1,006.5	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	346	0	46	0.0	0.0	0.0
11		13.6	1.4	6.5	13.6	1.4	6.5	13.6	1.4	6.5	6.9	-0.2	3.0	90	58	79	1,017.3	1,013.7	1,015.5	0.2	0.0	0.0	0.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	612	0	64	0.0	0.0	0.0
12		12.8	6.4	8.7	12.8	6.4	8.7	12.8	6.4	8.7	9.4	3.0	5.7	89	66	81	1,013.7	1,003.3	1,007.4	0.2	0.0	0.0	0.4	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	327	0	24	0.0	0.0	0.0
13		11.7	3.9	7.4	11.7	3.9	7.4	11.7	3.9	7.4	5.9	2.0	4.1	89	64	80	1,019.6	1,009.3	1,017.1	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	418	0	48	0.0	0.0	0.0
14		11.0	6.2	8.6	11.0	6.2	8.6	11.0	6.2	8.6	8.2	4.2	6.3	89	79	85	1,018.2	1,014.0	1,016.1	0.2	0.0	0.0	0.8	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	149	0	20	0.0	0.0	0.0
15		14.4	9.8	12.0	14.4	9.8	12.0	14.4	9.8	12.0	12.5	7.2	10.2	92	84	89	1,017.6	1,007.0	1,013.5	1.4	0.0	0.0	0.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	125	0	20	0.0	0.0	0.0
16		17.2	13.2	15.3	17.2	13.2	15.3	17.2	13.2	15.3	16.4	11.7	14.3	95	91	94	1,007.0	998.6	1,001.5	2.2	0.0	0.0	2.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	111	0	9	0.0	0.0	0.0
17		17.2	11.3	14.1	17.2	11.3	14.1	17.2	11.3	14.1	14.6	9.0	11.9	94	75	87	1,014.1	1,000.9	1,008.4	0.2	0.0	0.0	0.4	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	547	0	49	0.0	0.0	0.0
18		16.1	7.4	11.6	16.1	7.4	11.6	16.1	7.4	11.6	12.6	6.0	9.5	94	73	87	1,015.2	1,007.6	1,012.2	0.2	0.0	0.0	0.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	529	0	42	0.0	0.0	0.0
19		18.4	10.5	13.3	18.4	10.5	13.3	18.4	10.5	13.3	13.3	8.3	11.0	94	68	86	1,014.2	1,005.7	1,010.0	4.8	0.0	0.3	7.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	552	0	52	0.0	0.0	0.0
20		15.8	9.7	12.7	15.8	9.7	12.7	15.8	9.7	12.7	14.0	8.0	10.2	92	73	85	1,013.6	1,001.2	1,006.5	1.4	0.0	0.1	1.6	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	120	0	15	0.0	0.0	0.0
21		13.2	9.6	11.8	13.2	9.6	11.8	13.2	9.6	11.8	10.1	7.7	8.8	90	71	82	1,021.7	1,010.3	1,018.3	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	120	0	24	0.0	0.0	0.0
22		11.8	8.4	9.5	11.8	8.4	9.5	11.8	8.4	9.5	10.6	6.9	8.1	92	90	91	1,026.1	1,021.5	1,023.7	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	137	0	25	0.0	0.0	0.0

Monthly High	19.6	13.2	15.3	19.6	13.2	15.3	19.6	13.2	15.3	16.4	11.7	14.3	95	93	94	1,026.1	1,021.5	1,023.7	48.0	0.0	1.5	18.2	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-	0.0	714	0	76	0.0	0.0	0.0
Monthly Low 	11.0	1.4	6.5	11.0	1.4	6.5	11.0	1.4	6.5	5.9	-0.2	3.0	89	58	79	994.0	986.0	988.3	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	-	0.0	33	0	6	0.0	0.0	0.0
Monthly Average	15.1	8.2	11.3	15.1	8.2	11.3	15.1	8.2	11.3	11.6	6.3	8.9	92	74	86	1,013.8	1,005.2	1,009.8	6.4	0.0	0.3	2.3	0.0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0	369	0	36	0.0	0.0	0.0
Monthly Total																						50.6	0.0								0.0

Replaced with the year over year statistics. Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Year Over Year Statistics: STYEAROVERYEAR$
Year Over Year Statistics:

Trixology Test

Temperature (°C) (Maximum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  14.4     17.2     17.4     20.4     26.3     29.9     29.7     29.7     27.4     19.6     -        -        23.22    
2023  12.6     15.9     16.8     19.9     23.6     31.4     28.0     28.9     32.3     24.8     13.9     14.2     21.86    
2022  13.1     15.0     22.1     22.9     25.1     31.1     41.1     34.8     24.9     20.2     16.1     13.6     23.32    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        18.2     13.6     13.8     15.19    
Av:   13.4     16.0     18.8     21.1     25.0     30.8     32.9     31.1     28.2     20.7     14.5     13.9     20.90    

Temperature (°C) (Minimum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  -7.1     -0.8     -1.0     0.4      6.3      6.1      9.2      9.1      3.1      1.4      -        -        2.67     
2023  -4.4     -2.3     -2.7     -0.7     5.1      7.3      8.8      9.1      7.7      2.6      -2.9     -2.7     2.06     
2022  -2.3     1.1      -0.5     -2.8     6.3      6.1      9.3      8.0      4.3      4.1      2.3      -7.7     2.36     
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        5.4      -3.2     0.2      0.81     
Av:   -4.6     -0.7     -1.4     -1.0     5.9      6.5      9.1      8.7      5.0      3.4      -1.3     -3.4     1.98     

Temperature (°C) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  4.7      7.9      8.2      9.7      14.6     15.0     17.1     17.5     14.0     11.3     -        -        12.00    
2023  5.1      6.7      6.9      9.1      13.4     17.6     16.4     16.6     17.3     12.3     7.0      7.0      11.27    
2022  4.6      7.0      8.4      9.6      13.7     15.9     19.2     19.4     14.6     12.9     8.9      3.7      11.48    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        12.0     7.7      6.4      8.72     
Av:   4.8      7.2      7.9      9.5      13.9     16.2     17.5     17.8     15.3     12.1     7.9      5.7      10.87    

Heating Degree Days
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  365      250      257      205      85       80       42       32       94       113      -        -        1,522    
2023  353      273      296      223      114      47       40       34       41       142      284      296      2,140    
2022  368      267      254      212      104      65       27       22       85       116      227      398      2,145    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        139      263      313      715      
Av:   362      264      269      213      101      64       36       29       73       127      258      335      1,631    

Cooling Degree Days
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  0        0        0        2        26       37       60       61       19       1        -        -        206      
2023  0        0        0        0        17       79       36       36       64       11       0        0        242      
2022  0        0        5        5        17       48       109      112      27       3        0        0        326      
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        1        0        0        1        
Av:   0        0        2        3        20       54       68       70       37       4        0        0        194      

Frost Days
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  8        3        2        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        -        -        13       
2023  9        6        5        1        0        0        0        0        0        0        4        5        30       
2022  7        0        1        5        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        12       25       
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        0        2        0        2        
Av:   8        3        3        2        0        0        0        0        0        0        2        6        18       

Windchill (°C) (Maximum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  14.4     17.2     17.4     20.4     26.3     29.9     29.7     29.7     27.4     19.6     -        -        23.22    
2023  12.6     15.9     16.8     19.9     23.6     31.4     28.0     28.9     32.3     24.8     13.9     14.2     21.86    
2022  13.1     15.0     22.1     22.9     25.1     31.1     38.6     34.7     24.9     20.2     16.1     13.6     23.12    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        18.2     13.6     13.8     15.19    
Av:   13.4     16.0     18.8     21.1     25.0     30.8     32.1     31.1     28.2     20.7     14.5     13.9     20.84    

Windchill (°C) (Minimum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  -7.1     -0.8     -1.0     0.4      6.3      6.1      9.2      9.1      3.1      1.4      -        -        2.67     
2023  -4.4     -2.3     -2.7     -0.7     5.1      7.3      8.8      9.1      7.7      2.6      -2.9     -2.7     2.06     
2022  -2.3     1.1      -0.5     -2.8     6.3      6.1      9.3      8.0      4.3      4.1      2.3      -7.7     2.36     
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        5.4      -3.2     0.2      0.81     
Av:   -4.6     -0.7     -1.4     -1.0     5.9      6.5      9.1      8.7      5.0      3.4      -1.3     -3.4     1.98     

Windchill (°C) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  4.7      7.9      8.2      9.7      14.6     15.0     17.1     17.5     14.0     11.3     -        -        12.00    
2023  5.1      6.7      6.9      9.1      13.4     17.6     16.4     16.6     17.3     12.3     7.0      7.0      11.27    
2022  4.6      7.0      8.4      9.6      13.7     15.9     19.1     19.4     14.6     12.9     8.9      3.7      11.48    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        12.0     7.7      6.4      8.72     
Av:   4.8      7.2      7.9      9.5      13.9     16.2     17.5     17.8     15.3     12.1     7.9      5.7      10.87    

Heat Index(°C) (Maximum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  14.4     17.2     17.4     20.4     26.3     32.0     31.2     32.5     28.7     19.6     -        -        23.97    
2023  12.6     15.9     16.8     19.9     23.6     33.5     28.1     30.3     36.2     24.8     13.9     14.2     22.48    
2022  13.1     15.0     22.1     22.9     25.1     32.1     41.4     34.8     24.9     20.2     16.1     13.6     23.43    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        18.2     13.6     13.8     15.19    
Av:   13.4     16.0     18.8     21.1     25.0     32.5     33.6     32.5     29.9     20.7     14.5     13.9     21.27    

Heat Index(°C) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  4.7      7.9      8.2      9.7      14.6     15.1     17.1     17.5     14.0     11.3     -        -        12.01    
2023  5.1      6.7      6.9      9.1      13.4     17.6     16.4     16.6     17.3     12.3     7.0      7.0      11.28    
2022  4.6      7.0      8.5      9.6      13.7     15.9     19.2     19.4     14.6     12.9     8.9      3.7      11.49    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        12.0     7.7      6.4      8.72     
Av:   4.8      7.2      7.9      9.5      13.9     16.2     17.5     17.8     15.3     12.1     7.9      5.7      10.88    

Wind Speed (MPH) (Maximum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      -        -        0.00     
2023  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00     
2022  1.3      0.0      1.2      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.21     
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00     
Av:   0.4      0.0      0.4      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.05     

Wind Speed (MPH) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      -        -        0.00     
2023  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00     
2022  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00     
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00     
Av:   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00     

Wind Direction (Degrees) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        -        -        0.0      
2023  0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0.0      
2022  4        231      91       0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        27.1     
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        140      192      96       142.8    
Av:   1        77       30       0        0        0        0        0        0        35       64       32       42.5     

Wind Run(miles)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      -        -        0.0      
2023  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      
2022  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      
Av:   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      

Pressure (mb) (Maximum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  1,040.0  1,034.3  1,025.0  1,032.3  1,029.7  1,029.4  1,026.3  1,027.2  1,034.3  1,026.1  -        -        1,030.45 
2023  1,039.5  1,047.1  1,034.4  1,032.0  1,033.6  1,028.5  1,020.6  1,020.3  1,028.5  1,027.3  1,030.9  1,037.6  1,031.69 
2022  1,041.6  1,032.8  1,044.0  1,033.9  1,030.8  1,026.1  1,034.1  1,030.9  1,027.0  1,029.5  1,029.1  1,030.4  1,032.50 
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        1,031.5  1,034.3  1,041.8  1,035.84 
Av:   1,040.4  1,038.0  1,034.5  1,032.7  1,031.4  1,028.0  1,027.0  1,026.1  1,029.9  1,028.6  1,031.4  1,036.6  1,032.62 

Pressure (mb) (Minimum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  972.7    973.1    971.0    989.9    999.4    995.7    997.5    991.8    984.2    986.0    -        -        986.14   
2023  985.2    1,008.6  982.4    983.6    1,008.5  1,003.8  995.0    984.8    992.4    975.8    960.5    982.4    988.58   
2022  991.2    977.3    998.6    979.3    1,000.4  1,000.9  1,006.0  1,001.6  995.2    994.0    979.2    984.8    992.37   
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        983.6    980.8    978.1    980.85   
Av:   983.0    986.3    984.0    984.3    1,002.8  1,000.1  999.5    992.8    990.6    984.8    973.5    981.8    986.99   

Pressure (mb) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  1,015.7  1,007.8  1,003.9  1,011.8  1,012.7  1,014.4  1,013.7  1,013.2  1,014.7  1,009.4  -        -        1,011.74 
2023  1,012.5  1,027.3  1,006.5  1,015.9  1,023.3  1,018.6  1,009.8  1,010.5  1,013.9  1,006.3  1,003.2  1,008.6  1,013.02 
2022  1,024.3  1,012.7  1,022.2  1,016.3  1,017.8  1,015.8  1,021.1  1,018.7  1,013.5  1,013.0  1,005.5  1,010.3  1,015.91 
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        1,012.4  1,016.7  1,011.1  1,013.40 
Av:   1,017.5  1,015.9  1,010.9  1,014.7  1,017.9  1,016.3  1,014.8  1,014.1  1,014.0  1,010.3  1,008.5  1,010.0  1,013.52 

Precipitation (mm) (Total)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  17.2     72.8     51.2     54.4     55.0     26.8     31.6     14.4     67.4     50.6     -        -        441.4    
2023  29.8     5.6      64.2     44.6     24.0     48.4     80.2     23.0     58.8     76.2     46.4     74.8     576.0    
2022  25.0     33.4     14.0     8.8      31.8     24.4     13.2     25.0     45.0     44.6     86.2     31.6     383.0    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        81.7     18.8     40.6     141.1    
Av:   24.0     37.3     43.1     35.9     36.9     33.2     41.7     20.8     57.1     63.3     50.5     49.0     385.4    

Rain Days (>1.00 mm)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  3        11       12       10       7        6        4        3        12       7        -        -        75       
2023  6        1        18       11       5        5        13       6        9        10       10       14       108      
2022  6        9        6        3        7        4        5        6        7        8        14       8        83       
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        11       5        13       29       
Av:   5        7        12       8        6        5        7        5        9        9        10       12       74       

Snow (mm) (Total)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      -        -        0.0      
2023  0.0      0.0      80.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      80.0     
2022  0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        30.0     0.0      30.0     
Av:   0.0      0.0      26.7     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      10.0     0.0      27.5     

Snow Days
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        -        -        0        
2023  0        0        1        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1        
2022  0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        2        0        2        
Av:   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1        0        1        

Solar Radiation(W/m^2) (Maximum)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  330      714      925      1,037    1,118    1,206    1,160    1,079    861      714      -        -        914.40   
2023  422      724      923      1,018    1,132    1,252    1,250    1,027    893      684      536      257      843.17   
2022  851      926      935      1,037    1,114    1,250    1,209    1,085    960      666      508      227      897.33   
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        84       72       72       76.00    
Av:   534      788      928      1,031    1,121    1,236    1,206    1,064    905      537      372      185      682.72   

Solar Radiation(W/m^2) (Average)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Av.
2024  17.4     31.8     60.7     82.0     92.6     104.3    84.4     73.0     49.6     36.3     -        -        63.20    
2023  20.4     44.1     61.0     102.1    115.0    129.4    90.3     112.4    66.7     42.5     23.8     9.1      68.06    
2022  7.2      27.1     72.7     119.5    106.2    116.9    118.2    109.0    63.4     41.4     18.2     8.0      67.32    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        9.6      6.1      4.6      6.76     
Av:   15.0     34.3     64.8     101.2    104.6    116.9    97.7     98.2     59.9     32.4     16.0     7.2      51.34    

Sunshine hours (Total)
      Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      June     July     Aug      Sept     Oct      Nov      Dec      Annual Tot.
2024  8.3      19.5     50.0     75.1     80.0     87.9     70.5     53.6     31.1     15.4     -        -        491.5    
2023  12.4     42.1     46.0     110.6    107.6    115.8    75.1     33.3     51.4     31.9     20.0     0.0      646.1    
2022  2.7      17.9     82.8     128.2    105.0    110.1    119.2    120.3    49.0     40.9     7.2      0.0      783.2    
2021  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      
Av:   7.8      26.5     59.6     104.6    97.5     104.6    88.3     69.1     43.8     22.1     9.1      0.0      480.2     

Replaced with monthly overview. Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags. (V2.4.0 onwards)
This month overview: STTHISMONTHOV$
This month overview:

October so far has been...
	Cooler than average (11.31°C versus an average of 12.56)
	Drier than average (50.60 mm versus an average total of 60.40)
	Calmer than average (a wind run of 0 miles versus an average of 0) 

Replaced with monthly overview for last month. Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags. (V2.4.0 onwards)
Last month overview: STLASTMONTHOV$
Last month overview:
 September was...
	Cooler than average (14.01°C versus an average of 15.92)
	Wetter than average (67.40 mm versus an average total of 51.90)
	Of average calmness 

Replaced with the current monthly NOAA style report (V2.1.0 onwards). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Current monthly NOAA style report: STNOAAMO$
Current monthly NOAA style report:
                                    MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR Oct 2024

NAME: Trixology Test
ELEV: 479.0 Feet  LAT: 052° 42' 01" N  LONG: 001° 24' 00" W

                                    TEMPERATURE (°C)  RAIN (mm)  WIND SPEED (MPH)

                                                  HEAT     COOL              AVG                          
       MEAN                                       DEG      DEG               WIND                      DOM
DAY    TEMP    HIGH   TIME      LOW    TIME       DAYS     DAYS     RAIN     SPEED    HIGH    TIME     DIR
01     11.4    12.2   15:55     10.4   06:55       5.1      0.0    14.60      0.0      0.0             N
02     11.2    13.3   16:35      7.8   23:50       5.3      0.0     1.00      0.0      0.0             N
03     10.5    18.2   13:35      5.1   06:45       6.0      0.1     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
04     11.1    18.6   14:30      6.1   07:40       5.5      0.1     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
05     11.5    18.4   13:30      6.6   07:15       5.1      0.2     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
06     12.1    14.2   13:55     10.4   00:00       4.4      0.0     1.60      0.0      0.0             N
07     13.9    19.6   14:35     10.2   04:45       2.9      0.3     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
08     13.4    17.1   12:50     11.9   07:35       3.1      0.0    18.20      0.0      0.0             N
09     12.4    15.0   11:30     10.3   23:55       4.1      0.0     1.80      0.0      0.0             N
10      8.6    12.1   14:00      4.0   23:55       7.9      0.0     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
11      6.5    13.6   14:45      1.4   08:10      10.0      0.0     0.20      0.0      0.0             N
12      8.7    12.8   16:00      6.4   00:50       7.8      0.0     0.40      0.0      0.0             N
13      7.4    11.7   13:30      3.9   07:50       9.1      0.0     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
14      8.6    11.0   15:40      6.2   06:50       7.9      0.0     0.80      0.0      0.0             N
15     12.0    14.4   16:55      9.8   01:40       4.5      0.0     0.60      0.0      0.0             N
16     15.3    17.2   17:15     13.2   00:00       1.4      0.1     2.00      0.0      0.0             N
17     14.1    17.2   12:45     11.3   21:55       2.4      0.0     0.40      0.0      0.0             N
18     11.6    16.1   13:35      7.4   07:30       4.9      0.0     0.20      0.0      0.0             N
19     13.3    18.4   14:35     10.5   23:55       3.2      0.1     7.20      0.0      0.0             N
20     12.7    15.8   15:40      9.7   02:05       3.8      0.0     1.60      0.0      0.0             N
21     11.8    13.2   14:55      9.6   23:55       4.7      0.0     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
22      9.5    11.8   11:05      8.4   04:50       3.5      0.0     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
       11.3    19.6     7        1.4    11       112.6      0.9    50.60      0.0      0.0      0      N

Max >=  25.0:  0
Max <=   0.0:  0
Min <=   0.0:  0
Min <=  -5.0:  0
Max Rain:  18.20 ON 10/08/24
Days of Rain: 14 (>.2 mm) 3 (>2 mm) 0 (>20 mm)
Heat Base:   16.5  Cool Base:   16.5

Replaced with the previous monthly NOAA style report (V2.1.0 onwards). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Last month's' NOAA style report: STNOAAPRMO$
Last month's' NOAA style report:
                                    MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR Sep 2024

NAME: Trixology Test
ELEV: 479.0 Feet  LAT: 052° 42' 01" N  LONG: 001° 24' 00" W

                                    TEMPERATURE (°C)  RAIN (mm)  WIND SPEED (MPH)

                                                  HEAT     COOL              AVG                          
       MEAN                                       DEG      DEG               WIND                      DOM
DAY    TEMP    HIGH   TIME      LOW    TIME       DAYS     DAYS     RAIN     SPEED    HIGH    TIME     DIR
01     19.0    24.4   14:15     15.3   03:30       0.3      2.8     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
02     18.9    23.1   16:45     16.8   02:45       0.0      2.4     1.00      0.0      0.0             N
03     16.0    19.1   16:25     14.3   11:50       0.9      0.4     2.60      0.0      0.0             N
04     14.2    17.6   14:20     10.9   23:10       2.4      0.1     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
05     15.3    18.1   17:45     11.2   00:00       1.6      0.4     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
06     20.3    27.4   14:45     16.7   07:45       0.0      3.8     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
07     17.9    19.5   15:35     16.8   06:50       0.0      1.4     1.60      0.0      0.0             N
08     18.1    22.7   15:35     15.9   10:05       0.0      1.7     2.80      0.0      0.0             N
09     14.0    18.6   15:00     11.5   22:05       2.7      0.2     0.20      0.0      0.0             N
10     12.6    17.1   10:55      8.8   23:55       4.0      0.0     5.60      0.0      0.0             N
11      9.4    13.2   16:20      7.5   05:00       7.1      0.0     1.60      0.0      0.0             N
12      9.4    14.6   14:45      6.1   23:55       7.1      0.0     0.20      0.0      0.0             N
13      9.9    19.0   14:25      3.1   07:20       6.7      0.0     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
14     13.5    18.7   16:05      8.6   00:10       3.4      0.3     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
15     13.3    16.3   11:10     10.1   03:45       3.2      0.0     1.00      0.0      0.0             N
16     13.9    23.1   14:50      7.3   07:05       3.8      1.2     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
17     14.0    22.4   14:35      8.0   06:20       3.7      1.2     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
18     15.4    21.8   15:00     11.4   00:00       2.0      0.8     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
19     15.1    20.3   14:05     13.0   01:00       1.9      0.5     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
20     15.6    19.4   16:00     13.4   05:40       1.3      0.5     0.60      0.0      0.0             N
21     17.2    24.7   14:10     15.1   06:20       0.7      1.4     4.00      0.0      0.0             N
22     15.0    16.0   15:05     14.4   08:20       1.5      0.0    12.60      0.0      0.0             N
23     14.0    14.6   00:10     13.0   23:45       2.5      0.0     2.80      0.0      0.0             N
24     12.6    15.0   13:50      9.6   23:55       3.9      0.0     0.20      0.0      0.0             N
25     11.9    17.4   14:05      9.1   01:55       4.6      0.0     4.80      0.0      0.0             N
26     13.3    18.0   15:20     10.2   23:45       3.3      0.1     5.20      0.0      0.0             N
27      9.5    13.8   14:40      5.4   23:45       7.0      0.0     9.00      0.0      0.0             N
28      9.2    14.5   12:40      4.3   06:40       7.3      0.0     0.00      0.0      0.0             N
29      9.9    14.7   15:00      6.4   05:50       6.6      0.0     0.60      0.0      0.0             N
30     12.1    14.7   14:15     10.3   02:50       4.4      0.0    11.00      0.0      0.0             N
       14.0    27.4     6        3.1    13        94.0     19.1    67.40      0.0      0.0      0      N

Max >=  25.0:  1
Max <=   0.0:  0
Min <=   0.0:  0
Min <=  -5.0:  0
Max Rain:  12.60 ON 09/22/24
Days of Rain: 19 (>.2 mm) 10 (>2 mm) 0 (>20 mm)
Heat Base:   16.5  Cool Base:   16.5

Replaced with the current yearly NOAA style report (V2.1.0 onwards). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Current yearly NOAA style report: STNOAAYR$
Current yearly NOAA style report:
                         ANNUAL CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR 2024

NAME: Trixology Test
ELEV: 479.0 Feet  LAT: 052° 42' 01" N  LONG: 001° 24' 00" W

                    TEMPERATURE (°C), HEAT BASE 16.5, COOL BASE 16.5

                          DEP  HEAT  COOL
       MEAN  MEAN        FROM  DEG   DEG                        MAX  MAX  MIN  MIN
YR MO  MAX   MIN   MEAN  NORM  DAYS  DAYS  HI  DATE  LOW  DATE  >=25 <=0  <=0  <=-5
24  1   7.6   1.8   4.7  -0.1   365     0  14.4  23  -7.1   18    0    0    8    2
24  2  10.9   5.0   7.9   0.7   250     0  17.2  15  -0.8   24    0    0    3    0
24  3  12.6   5.0   8.2   0.4   257     0  17.4  17  -1.0    3    0    0    2    0
24  4  14.5   6.1   9.7   0.2   205     2  20.4  30   0.4   20    0    0    0    0
24  5  19.4  10.7  14.6   0.7    85    26  26.3  12   6.3    5    2    0    0    0
24  6  19.9  10.6  15.0  -1.1    80    37  29.9  25   6.1    5    4    0    0    0
24  7  22.0  12.8  17.1  -0.5    42    60  29.7  19   9.2    8    7    0    0    0
24  8  22.4  13.2  17.5  -0.4    32    61  29.7  12   9.1   30    5    0    0    0
24  9  18.7  10.8  14.0  -1.3    94    19  27.4   6   3.1   13    1    0    0    0
24 10  15.1   8.2  11.3  -0.8   113     1  19.6   7   1.4   11    0    0    0    0
       16.3   8.4  12.0  -0.2  1,522   206  29.9   6  -7.1    1   19    0   13    2

                                       PRECIPITATION (mm)

               DEP.   MAX        DAYS OF RAIN
               FROM   OBS.           OVER
YR MO  TOTAL   NORM   DAY  DATE  0.2   2  20
24  1  17.20   -6.80   6.60   1   12   3   0
24  2  72.80   35.53  11.20   8   22   9   0
24  3  51.20    8.07   8.40  10   22   8   0
24  4  54.40   18.47  21.00  28   19   7   1
24  5  55.00   18.07  19.00  22   15   7   0
24  6  26.80   -6.40  10.40  15   13   4   0
24  7  31.60  -10.07  11.60  11   13   4   0
24  8  14.40   -6.40   3.20  15   15   2   0
24  9  67.40   10.33  12.60  22   19  10   0
24 10  50.60  -12.66  18.20   8   14   3   0
      441.40    1.20  21.00   4  164  57   1

                                       WIND SPEED (MPH)

24  1  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  2  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  3  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  4  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  5  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  6  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  7  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  8  0.0   0.0    0   N
24  9  0.0   0.0    0   N
24 10  0.0   0.0    0   N

Replaced with last year's' NOAA style report (V2.1.0 onwards). Note: this tag outputs preformatted text and should be enclosed in <PRE></PRE> tags.
Last year's' NOAA style report: STNOAAPRYR$
Last years NOAA style report:
                         ANNUAL CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR 2023

NAME: Trixology Test
ELEV: 479.0 Feet  LAT: 052° 42' 01" N  LONG: 001° 24' 00" W

                    TEMPERATURE (°C), HEAT BASE 16.5, COOL BASE 16.5

                          DEP  HEAT  COOL
       MEAN  MEAN        FROM  DEG   DEG                        MAX  MAX  MIN  MIN
YR MO  MAX   MIN   MEAN  NORM  DAYS  DAYS  HI  DATE  LOW  DATE  >=25 <=0  <=0  <=-5
23  1   8.0   2.5   5.1   0.3   353     0  12.6  10  -4.4   17    0    0    9    0
23  2  10.7   3.8   6.7  -0.5   273     0  15.9  17  -2.3    7    0    0    6    0
23  3  10.7   3.9   6.9  -0.9   296     0  16.8  30  -2.7   11    0    0    5    0
23  4  14.4   4.9   9.1  -0.4   223     0  19.9  29  -0.7   25    0    0    1    0
23  5  19.1   8.8  13.4  -0.5   114    17  23.6  27   5.1   16    0    0    0    0
23  6  24.1  12.7  17.6   1.4    47    79  31.4  11   7.3    3   14    0    0    0
23  7  21.0  12.8  16.4  -1.2    40    36  28.0   7   8.8    5    2    0    0    0
23  8  19.2  14.3  16.6  -1.2    34    36  28.9  10   9.1   31    2    0    0    0
23  9  22.3  13.3  17.3   2.0    41    64  32.3   9   7.7   22    8    0    0    0
23 10  16.4   9.1  12.3   0.2   142    11  24.8   7   2.6   15    0    0    0    0
23 11   9.8   4.6   7.0  -0.9   284     0  13.9   1  -2.9   30    0    0    4    0
23 12   8.8   4.7   7.0   1.3   296     0  14.2  24  -2.7    2    0    1    5    0
       15.4   8.0  11.3  -0.0  2,140   242  32.3   9  -4.4    1   26    1   30    0

                                       PRECIPITATION (mm)

               DEP.   MAX        DAYS OF RAIN
               FROM   OBS.           OVER
YR MO  TOTAL   NORM   DAY  DATE  0.2   2  20
23  1  29.80    5.80   7.60  10   20   4   0
23  2   5.60  -31.67   3.00  22    7   1   0
23  3  64.20   21.07   6.40   9   25  13   0
23  4  44.60    8.67   7.80  14   16   6   0
23  5  24.00  -12.93   8.20   8    9   5   0
23  6  48.40   15.20  24.80  18   10   3   1
23  7  80.20   38.53  18.00   8   21  10   0
23  8  23.00    2.20   8.40   5   10   3   0
23  9  58.80    1.73  28.80  18   18   6   1
23 10  76.20   12.94  25.60  20   17   7   1
23 11  46.20   -4.27   9.00   2   21   7   0
23 12  74.80   25.80  10.20   4   23  11   0
      575.80    1.60  28.80   9  197  76   3

                                       WIND SPEED (MPH)

23  1  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  2  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  3  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  4  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  5  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  6  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  7  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  8  0.0   0.0    0   N
23  9  0.0   0.0    0   N
23 10  0.0   0.0    0   N
23 11  0.0   0.0    0   N
23 12  0.0   0.0    0   N

Build information
V3.30, Build 300 (64 bit)
Station name
Station: L$
Station: Trixology Test
Station latitude (V1.1.3 and later)
Station latitude: Llat$
Station latitude: 52° 42' 1"N
Station longitude (V1.1.3 and later)
Station longitude: Llong$
Station longitude: 1° 24' 0"W
Station altitude in feet (V1.1.3 and later)
Station altitude in feet: Lelevf$
Station altitude in feet: 479
Station altitude in metres (V1.1.3 and later)
Station altitude in metres: Lelevm$
Station altitude in metres: 146.0
Date and time
Date: D$
Date: 22 Oct 2024 11:05 AM
Date and time (UTC) Format is: yyyy,m,d,h,m,s
Date (UTC): DUTC$
Date (UTC): 2024,10,22,10,5,38
Uptime (days:hours:minutes): UT$
Uptime (days:hours:minutes): 7:18:46
Time (12 hour clock)
Time: t12$
Time: 11:05 AM
Time (12 hour clock with seconds)
Time: t12s$
Time: 11:05:38 AM
Time (24 hour clock)
Time: t24$
Time: 11:05
Time (24 hour clock with seconds)
Time: t24s$
Time: 11:05:38
Date in the format of month/day/year
Date: da$
Date: 10/22/24
Date in the format of day/month/year
Date: de$
Date: 22/10/24
Sunrise local time
Sunrise today: SUNRISELOCAL$
Sunrise today: 7:44 AM
Sunset local time
Sunset today: SUNSETLOCAL$
Sunset today: 5:54 PM
Sunrise time UTC
Sunrise today (UTC): SUNRISEUTC$
Sunrise today (UTC): 6:44
Sunset (UTC)
Sunset today (UTC): SUNSETUTC$
Sunset today (UTC): 16:54
Hours:Minutes of daylight today
Daylight time today: DAYLIGHTTIME$
Daylight time today: 10:10
Sunrise local time tomorrow
Sunrise tomorrow: SUNRISELOCAL1$
Sunrise tomorrow: 7:46 AM
Sunset local time tomorrow
Sunset tomorrow: SUNSETLOCAL1$
Sunset tomorrow: 5:52 PM
Sunrise time UTC tomorrow
Sunrise tomorrow (UTC): SUNRISEUTC1$
Sunrise tomorrow (UTC): 6:46
Sunset (UTC) tomorrow
Sunset tomorrow (UTC): SUNSETUTC1$
Sunset tomorrow (UTC): 16:52
Hours:Minutes of daylight tomorrow
Daylight time tomorrow: DAYLIGHTTIME1$
Daylight time tomorrow: 10:05

WCAM$ Replaced with the current web-cam picture at the resolution as set in the web-cam preferences. Current web-cam picture at camera resolution
Current web-cam picture at camera resolution
Webcam image
WCAM320$. Replaced with the current web-cam picture at a horizontal resolution of 320. The vertical resolution is a nominal 240 pixels but this is dependent on your camera as the aspect ratio is always maintained. We also provide WCAM$ (normal resolution as set in the preferences), WCAM640$, WCAM800$ and WCAM1280$ Current web-cam picture scaled to 320 pixels horizontal resolution (camera is running at 640*480)
Current web-cam picture scaled to 320 pixels horizontal resolution (camera is running at 640*480)
Webcam 320 image
MOVIE$ Replaced with a link to the last 1 hour time-lapse movie. Latest 1 hour time-lapse movie:
Latest 1 hour time-lapse movie:
Time-lapse movie
DAILY_MOVIE$ Replaced with a link to the time-lapse movie for today.(Version 3.0.0 onwards) Daily time-lapse movie:
Daily time-lapse movie:
Daily time-lapse movie

Replaced with all dials. (Also available is DALLC$ which is replaced with all dials and comms counts)
All dials image
Replaced with current wind direction dial.
Wind direction gauge
Replaced with current wind speed dial.
Wind speed gauge
Replaced with current wind run dial.
Wind run gauge
Replaced with current barometer dial.
Barometer gauge
Replaced with current calculated cloud base dial.
Cloud base gauge
Replaced with current solar meter.
Solar gauge
Replaced with current outside temperature meter.
Outside temperature gauge
Replaced with current dew point meter.
Dew point gauge
Replaced with current wind chill meter.
Wind chill gauge
Replaced with current heat index meter.
Heat index gauge
Replaced with current outside humidity meter.
Outside humidity gauge
Replaced with current inside temperature meter.
Inside temperature gauge
Replaced with current inside humidity meter.
Inside humidity gauge
Replaced with current 1 hour rain rate meter.
1 hour rain rate gauge
Replaced with current 24 hour rain meter.
Daily rain gauge
Replaced with current U.V. meter.
U.V. gauge
Custom gauge (WeatherCat 2 onwards supports up to 16 custom gauges).
Custom Gauge customgauge1.png
Another custom gauge.
Custom Gauge customgauge15.png

Replaced with current outside temperature graph.
External temperature graph
Replaced with current dew point graph.
Dew point graph
Replaced with current outside humidity graph.
External humidity graph
Replaced with current wind chill graph.
Wind chill graph
Replaced with current heat index graph.
Heat index graph
Replaced with current solar radiation graph.
Solar Radiation graph
Replaced with current U.V. graph.
Note: There's no U.V. sensor on the station here.
U.V. graph
Replaced with current wind direction graph.
Wind direction graph
Replaced with current wind speed graph.
Wind speed graph
Replaced with current barometric pressure graph.
Pressure graph
Replaced with current calculated cloud base graph.
Cloud base graph
Replaced with current 1 hour rain rate graph.
Rain rate graph
Replaced with current daily rain graph.
Daily rain graph
Replaced with current internal humidity graph.
Internal humidity graph
Replaced with current internal temperature graph.
Internal temperature graph

Custom Graphs - an unlimited number of custom graphs can be generated - here's an example - CUSTOMGRAPH$1$
Replaced with custom graph #1.
Custom Graph customgraph1.jpg
Custom Graphs - here's another example - CUSTOMGRAPH$2$
Replaced with custom graph #2.
Custom Graph customgraph2.jpg
Custom Graphs - another - Daily E.T. - CUSTOMGRAPH$4$
Replaced with custom graph #4.
Custom Graph customgraph4.jpg
Custom Graphs - and another - CUSTOMGRAPH$6$
Replaced with custom graph #5 .
Custom Graph customgraph5.jpg
Custom Graphs - another example (from a synthetic channel) - CUSTOMGRAPH$9$
Replaced with custom graph #9.
Custom Graph customgraph9.jpg
Custom Graphs - Monthly av. temperature (from a synthetic channel) - CUSTOMGRAPH$13$
Replaced with custom graph #13.
Custom Graph customgraph13.jpg

Replaced with the current temperature units.
Temperature units are set to: TEMPUNITS$
Temperature units are set to: °C
Replaced with the current rain units.
Rain units are set to: RAINUNITS$
Rain units are set to: mm
Replaced with the current pressure units.
Pressure units are set to: PRESSUREUNITS$
Pressure units are set to: mb
Replaced with the current wind speed units.
Wind speed units are set to: WINDSPEEDUNITS$
Wind speed units are set to: MPH
Replaced with the current height units. (V2.1.0 onwards)
Height units are set to: HEIGHTUNITS$
Height units are set to: Feet

Individual Stats
The STAT tag takes various parameters to determine what to display; the list of parameters starts and ends with a $ symbol.

The basic format is:

ITEM can be one of:

Version 1.1.4 adds:
AT_US (apparent temperature US version), AT_AUS (apparent temperature Australian version) and HUMIDEX.These are currently limited to a query range of 1 year back in time.

Version 2.0.0 adds:
SNOW and SNOWDAYS along with SYN1 through SYN5 (5 synthetic channels).

TYPE can be one of:

PERIOD can be one of:
User defined date ranges can also be used as the PERIOD - e.g. 2014-12-01/2015-03-01 (ISO 8601 date format - yyyy-mm-dd)
WeatherCat 1.1 Build 210 and later add the following periods:
SINCE9AM - period covers from 'now' to the previous 9 A.M.
HRS(X) - period covers X number of hours from 'now' '- i.e. HRS(24) means the last 24 hours. x must be a number greater than 0 - e.g. HRS(0.5) means the last half hour.
WeatherCat 1.1.2 and later adds DAYSAGO(X) which covers the day 'X' days ago - for example DAYSAGO(1) means yesterday and DAYSAGO(2) means the day before yesterday. X must be an integer number between 1 and 99999.

By appending TIME we can display the time of the event:

For example, to find the highest temperature today:

These tags are rendered as:
11:05 AM

To find the highest temperature yesterday:

These tags are rendered as:
3:20 PM

CURRENT will display the real-time value of a given item. This is different to CT$ or CD$ etc. as those values are pulled from the database which has a resolution of 1 minute.
In the case of CURRENT, the time field (TODAY, YESTERDAY etc) will be ignored and can be omitted.
To display the current outdoor temperature:
This is rendered as:

CURRENT can also return the value of the following additional types (if supported by your hardware):
(Note: WeatherCat 1.2 and later can use these types for all stats with the exception of ET types)
LW1, LW2, LW3, LW4 - leaf wetness sensors.
SM1, SM2, SM3, SM4 - soil moisture sensors.
ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4 - soil temperature sensors.
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 - extra temperature sensors.
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8 - extra humidity sensors.
DAILYET, MONTHLYET, YEARLYET - Daily, monthly or yearly evapotranspiration.
CLOUDBASE (V2.1.0 onwards)
This is rendered as:

24HRSAGO will display the value of a given item 24 hours ago.
In the case of 24HRSAGO, the time field (TODAY, YESTERDAY etc) will be ignored and can be omitted.
To display the outdoor temperature 24 hours ago:
This is rendered as:

DELTA1 will display the 1 hour change of a given item.
For DELTA1 the time field (TODAY, YESTERDAY etc) will be ignored and can be omitted.
***NOTE that wind direction delta is not supported and will return an undefined value***
To display the current outdoor temperature 1 hour change:
This is rendered as:

DELTA24 will display the 24 hour change of a given item.
For DELTA24 the time field (TODAY, YESTERDAY etc) will be ignored and can be omitted.
***NOTE that wind direction delta is not supported and will return an undefined value***
To display the current outdoor temperature 24 hour change:
This is rendered as:

SUNSHINEHOURS can only be used with TOTAL (to find the total number of hours over a given date range)
e.g. Hours of sunshine today = STAT$SUNSHINEHOURS:TOTAL:TODAY$
is rendered as:
Hours of sunshine today = 0.00

DAILYSUN can only be used with MAX (to find the sunniest day in a given date range)
is rendered as:
The sunniest day this year: 30 Apr 2024 (6.00 hours)

THISSEASON can only be used with RAIN
is rendered as:
is rendered as:
0.0666 mm/h

(The rain season start month is set in WeatherCat's' preferences)

DAILYRAIN can only be used with MAX or AVERAGE.
is rendered as:
1.6 mm on 20 Oct 2024

is rendered as:
28 Apr 2024 (21.0 mm)

RAINDAYS can only be used with TOTAL and returns the number of rain days over a given period.
is rendered as:

FROSTDAYS can only be used with TOTAL and returns the number of frost days (or air frosts)over a given period.
is rendered as:

Tag Errors
In the case of an invalid tag configuration, the tag will either be processed - for example:

Highest wind direction today = STAT$WINDDIRECTION:MAX:TODAY$ degrees returns an undefined value and is rendered as
'Highest wind direction today = 0 degrees'.

or it may render as an error. For example:
Average wind direction today = STAT$WINDDIRECTION:AVERAGE:TODAY$ degrees on STAT$WINDDIRECTION:AVERAGE:TODAY:TIME$ renders as:
Average wind direction today = 0 degrees on ***Error - No time available for averages***

These examples all follow the following format:
Rendered as:
Current Temperature: 11.9 °C (1.4)

Current Readings and 1 hour deltas:
Current Temperature: 11.9 °C (1.4)
Current Wind Chill: 11.9 °C (1.4)
Current Heat Index: 11.9 °C (1.4)
Current Dew Point: 10.6 °C (1.4)
Current External Humidity: 92 % (0)
Current Pressure: 1,026.0 mb (0.4)
Current Wind Speed: 0 MPH (0)
Current Wind Gust: 0 MPH (0)
Current Average Wind Speed: 0 MPH (0)
Current Wind Direction: 0 degrees
Current Rain Rate Rate: 0.0 mm/h (0.0)
Current Daily Rain: 0.0 mm
Current Daily Wind Run: 0.00 miles
Current Internal Temperature: 20.1 °C (-0.7)
Current Internal Humidity: 66 % (2)
Current Solar Radiation: 169 W/m^2 (71)
Current UV: 0.0 (0.0)
Current Apparent Temperature (Australian version): 12.1 (1.8) (V1.1.4 and onwards)
Current Apparent Temperature (U.S. version): 12.2 (1.7) (V1.1.4 and onwards)
Current Humidex: 13.4 (2.1) (V1.1.4 and onwards)
Current Cloudbase: 504 (5.82) Feet (V2.1.0 and onwards)

Additional current readings (version 0.9.5 onwards)
These all follow the following format: STAT$T1:CURRENT$

Current Soil Moisture 1: 0 Centibar
Current Soil Moisture 2: 0 Centibar
Current Soil Moisture 3: 0 Centibar
Current Soil Moisture 4: 0 Centibar

Current Soil Temperature 1: 0.0 °C
Current Soil Temperature 2: 0.0 °C
Current Soil Temperature 3: 0.0 °C
Current Soil Temperature 4: 0.0 °C

Current Leaf Wetness 1: 0
Current Leaf Wetness 2: 0
Current Leaf Wetness 3: 0
Current Leaf Wetness 4: 0

Current Extra Temperature 1: 16.7 °C
Current Extra Temperature 2: 0.0 °C
Current Extra Temperature 3: 0.0 °C
Current Extra Temperature 4: 0.0 °C
Current Extra Temperature 5: 0.0 °C
Current Extra Temperature 6: 0.0 °C
Current Extra Temperature 7: 0.0 °C
Current Extra Temperature 8: 0.0 °C

Current Extra Humidity 1: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 2: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 3: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 4: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 5: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 6: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 7: 0%
Current Extra Humidity 8: 0%

Current Daily E.T.: 0.0 mm
Current Monthly E.T.: 0.0 mm
Current Yearly E.T.: 0.0 mm

Readings 24 hours ago and 24 hour deltas to the current reading
These examples all follow the following form:
Note: This list shows all currently supported combinations

Temperature: 12.2 °C (-0.3)
Wind Chill: 12.2 °C (-0.3)
Heat Index: 12.2 °C (-0.3)
Dew Point: 9.2 °C (1.4)
External Humidity: 82 % (10)
Pressure: 1,019.7 mb (6.3)
Wind Speed: 0 MPH (0)
Wind Gust: 0 MPH (0)
Average Wind Speed: 0 MPH (0)
Wind Direction: 0 degrees
Rain Rate Rate: 0.0 mm/h (0.0)
Internal Temperature: 20.6 °C (-0.5)
Internal Humidity: 66 % (0)
Solar Radiation: 65 W/m^2 (53)
UV: 0.0 (0.0)
Apparent Temperature (Australian version): 12.0 (0.0) (V1.1.4 and onwards)
Apparent Temperature (U.S. version): 12.3 (-0.1) (V1.1.4 and onwards)
Humidex: 13.1 (0.3) (V1.1.4 and onwards)

The html code for all of the following stats looks like:

Highest temperature over the last hour = 11.8°C at 11:05 AM (V1.1B210 and later)
Highest temperature today = 11.8°C at 11:05 AM
Highest temperature since 9 A.M.= 11.8°C at 11:05 AM (V1.1B210 and later)
Highest temperature over the last 24 hours = 13.2°C at 3:20 PM (V1.1B210 and later using HRS(24))
Highest temperature yesterday = 13.2°C at 3:20 PM
Highest temperature yesterday (using DAYSAGO(1)) = 13.2°C at 3:20 PM
Highest temperature the day before yesterday (using DAYSAGO(2)) = 15.8°C at 4:00 PM
Highest temperature this week = 15.8°C on 20 Oct 2024 4:00 PM
Highest temperature over the last 7 days (using HRS(168))= 18.4°C at 19 Oct 2024 2:35 PM (V1.1B210 and later)
Highest temperature last week = 18.4°C on 19 Oct 2024 2:35 PM
Highest temperature this month = 19.6°C on 7 Oct 2024 2:35 PM
Highest temperature last month = 27.4°C on 6 Sep 2024 2:45 PM
Highest temperature this year = 29.9°C on 25 Jun 2024 2:05 PM
Highest temperature last year = 32.3°C on 9 Sep 2023 2:02 PM
Highest temperature of all time = 41.1°C on 19 Jul 2022 2:05 PM

Example HTML code for stats over fixed date ranges:
Highest temperature (1 Dec 2014 to 1 Mar 2015) = STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:2014-12-01/2015-03-01$TEMPUNITS$ on STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:2014-12-01/2015-03-01:TIME$
When processed, looks like:
Highest temperature (1 Dec 2014 to 1 Mar 2015) = N/A°C on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM

We can append the stats for the same period in the previous year with:
(Last year: STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:2013-12-01/2014-03-01$TEMPUNITS$ (STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:2013-12-01/2014-03-01:TIME$))

Giving us:
Highest temperature (1 Dec 2014 to 1 Mar 2015) = N/A°C on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM (Last year: N/A°C (1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM))

More Stats:
Highest temperature (1 Mar 2016 to 1 June 2016) = N/A°C on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM (Same period 2015: N/A°C (1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM))

Snow (Oct 2016 to 1st Apr 2017): 0.0 mm

Lowest temperature over the last hour = 10.3 °C at 10:00 AM (V1.1B210 and later)
Lowest temperature today = 8.4 °C at 5:00 AM
Lowest temperature since 9 A.M. = 10.3 °C at 10:00 AM (V1.1B210 and later)
Lowest temperature over the last 24 hours = 8.4 °C at 5:00 AM (V1.1B210 and later)
Lowest temperature yesterday = 9.6 °C at 11:55 PM
Lowest temperature this week = 8.4 °C on 22 Oct 2024 5:00 AM
Lowest temperature over the last 7 days = 7.4 °C at 18 Oct 2024 7:30 AM (V1.1B210 and later)
Lowest temperature last week = 3.9 °C on 13 Oct 2024 8:00 AM
Lowest temperature this month = 1.4 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:10 AM
Lowest temperature last month = 3.1 °C on 13 Sep 2024 7:20 AM
Lowest temperature this year = -7.1 °C on 18 Jan 2024 1:40 AM
Lowest temperature last year = -4.4 °C on 17 Jan 2023 6:28 AM
Lowest temperature of all time = -7.7°C on 15 Dec 2022 9:00 AM
Lowest temperature (1 Dec 2011 to 1 Mar 2012) = N/A°C on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM (Last year: N/A°C (1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM))
Lowest temperature (1 Mar 2012 to 1 June 2012) = N/A°C on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM (Last year: N/A°C (1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM))

Average temperature over the last hour = 11.5 °C (V1.1B210 and later)
Average temperature today = 9.5 °C
Average temperature since 9 A.M. = 11.1 °C (V1.1B210 and later)
Average temperature over the last 24 hours = 10.7 °C (V1.1B210 and later)
Average temperature yesterday = 11.8 °C
Average temperature this week = 11.7 °C
Average temperature over the last 7 days = 12.9 °C (V1.1B210 and later)
Average temperature last week = 11.7 °C
Average temperature this month = 11.3 °C
Average temperature last month = 14.0 °C
Average temperature this year = 12.0 °C
Average temperature last year = 11.3 °C
Average temperature of all time = 11.4 °C
Average temperature (1 Dec 2011 to 1 Mar 2012) = 0.0°C (Last year: 0.0°C)
Average temperature (1 Mar 2012 to 1 June 2012) = 0.0°C (Last year: 0.0°C)

Number of frost days this week: 0
Number of frost days last week: 0
Number of frost days this month: 0
Number of frost days last month: 0
Number of frost days this year: 13
Number of frost days last year: 30
Number of frost days since records began: 70

Highest dew point today = 10.6 °C at 11:05 AM
Highest dewpoint yesterday = 10.1 °C at 1:20 PM
Highest dewpoint this week = 14.0 °C on 20 Oct 2024 1:00 PM
Highest dewpoint this month = 16.4 °C on 16 Oct 2024 5:15 PM
Highest dewpoint this year = 21.5 °C on 12 Aug 2024 5:10 PM

Lowest dewpoint today = 6.9 °C at 4:55 AM
Lowest dewpoint yesterday = 7.7 °C at 5:20 AM
Lowest dewpoint this week = 6.9 °C on 22 Oct 2024 4:55 AM
Lowest dewpoint this month = -0.2 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:10 AM
Lowest dewpoint this year = -9.8 °C on 18 Jan 2024 1:25 AM

Average dewpoint today = 8.1 °C
Average dewpoint yesterday = 8.7 °C
Average dewpoint this week = 9.2 °C
Average dewpoint this month = 8.9 °C
Average dewpoint this year = 8.7 °C

Highest external humidity today = 92 % at 11:00 AM
Highest external humidity yesterday = 90 % at 11:15 PM
Highest external humidity this week = 92% on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest external humidity this month = 95 % on 16 Oct 2024 6:00 PM
Highest external humidity last month = 95 % on 24 Sep 2024 9:00 AM
Highest external humidity this year = 95 % on 16 Oct 2024 6:00 PM
Highest external humidity last year = 96 % on 13 Nov 2023 8:40 AM

Lowest external humidity today = 90 % at 4:15 AM
Lowest external humidity yesterday = 71 % at 1:00 AM
Lowest external humidity this week = 71 % on 21 Oct 2024 1:00 AM
Lowest external humidity this month = 58 % on 11 Oct 2024 3:00 PM
Lowest external humidity last month = 51 % on 13 Sep 2024 4:20 PM
Lowest external humidity this year = 41 % on 13 Aug 2024 3:10 PM
Lowest external humidity last year = 35 % on 20 Apr 2023 4:06 PM

Average external humidity today = 91 %
Average external humidity yesterday = 81 %
Average external humidity this week = 85 %
Average external humidity this month = 86 %
Average external humidity last month = 84 %
Average external humidity this year = 81 %
Average external humidity last year = 81 %

Highest wind chill today = 11.8 °C at 11:05 AM
Highest wind chill yesterday = 13.2 °C at 3:20 PM
Highest wind chill this week = 15.8 °C on 20 Oct 2024 4:00 PM
Highest wind chill this month = 19.6 °C on 7 Oct 2024 2:35 PM
Highest wind chill this year = 29.9 °C on 25 Jun 2024 2:05 PM

Lowest wind chill today = 8.4 °C at 5:00 AM
Lowest wind chill yesterday = 9.6 °C at 11:55 PM
Lowest wind chill this week = 8.4 °C on 22 Oct 2024 5:00 AM
Lowest wind chill this month = 1.4 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:10 AM
Lowest wind chill this year = -7.1 °C on 18 Jan 2024 1:40 AM

Average wind chill today = 9.5 °C
Average wind chill yesterday = 11.8 °C
Average wind chill this week = 11.7 °C
Average wind chill this month = 11.3 °C
Average wind chill this year = 12.0 °C

Highest heat index today = 11.8 °C at 11:05 AM
Highest heat index yesterday = 13.2 °C at 3:20 PM
Highest heat index this week = 15.8 °C on 20 Oct 2024 4:00 PM
Highest heat index this month = 19.6 °C on 7 Oct 2024 2:35 PM
Highest heat index last month = 28.7 °C on 6 Sep 2024 2:45 PM
Highest heat index this year = 32.5 °C on 12 Aug 2024 1:10 PM
Highest heat index last year = 36.2 °C on 9 Sep 2023 2:02 PM

Lowest heat index today = 8.4 °C at 5:00 AM
Lowest heat index yesterday = 9.6 °C at 11:55 PM
Lowest heat index this week = 8.4 °C on 22 Oct 2024 5:00 AM
Lowest heat index this month = 1.4 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:10 AM
Lowest heat index this year = -7.1 °C on 18 Jan 2024 1:40 AM

Average heat index today = 9.5 °C
Average heat index yesterday = 11.8 °C
Average heat index this week = 11.7 °C
Average heat index this month = 11.3 °C
Average heat index this year = 12.1 °C

Highest apparent temperature (Aus) today = 12.0 °C at 11:00 AM
Highest apparent temperature (Aus) yesterday = 13.3 °C at 3:00 PM
Highest apparent temperature (Aus) this week = 16.7 °C on 20 Oct 2024 1:00 PM
Highest apparent temperature (Aus) this month = 20.4 °C on 7 Oct 2024 2:00 PM
Highest apparent temperature (Aus) last month = 30.7 °C on 6 Sep 2024 2:00 PM

Lowest apparent temperature (Aus) today = 7.7 °C at 4:00 AM
Lowest apparent temperature (Aus) yesterday = 9.1 °C at 11:00 PM
Lowest apparent temperature (Aus) this week = 7.7 °C on 22 Oct 2024 4:00 AM
Lowest apparent temperature (Aus) this month = -0.6 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:00 AM
Lowest apparent temperature (Aus) last month = -4.0 °C on 30 Sep 2024 11:00 PM

Average apparent temperature (Aus) today = 8.7 °C
Average apparent temperature (Aus) yesterday = 11.6 °C
Average apparent temperature (Aus) this week = 11.5 °C
Average apparent temperature (Aus) this month = 11.2 °C
Average apparent temperature (Aus) last month = 14.5 °C

Highest apparent temperature (US) today = 12.2 °C at 11:00 AM
Highest apparent temperature (US) yesterday = 13.5 °C at 3:00 PM
Highest apparent temperature (US) this week = 16.7 °C on 20 Oct 2024 3:00 PM
Highest apparent temperature (US) this month = 20.5 °C on 7 Oct 2024 2:00 PM
Highest apparent temperature (US) last month = 30.2 °C on 6 Sep 2024 2:00 PM

Lowest apparent temperature (US) today = 8.1 °C at 4:00 AM
Lowest apparent temperature (US) yesterday = 9.4 °C at 11:00 PM
Lowest apparent temperature (US) this week = 8.1 °C on 22 Oct 2024 4:00 AM
Lowest apparent temperature (US) this month = 0.0 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:00 AM
Lowest apparent temperature (US) last month = -2.7 °C on 30 Sep 2024 11:00 PM

Average apparent temperature (US) today = 9.0 °C
Average apparent temperature (US) yesterday = 11.9 °C
Average apparent temperature (US) this week = 11.8 °C
Average apparent temperature (US) this month = 11.4 °C
Average apparent temperature (US) last month = 14.6 °C

Highest Humidex today = 13.4 °C at 11:00 AM
Highest Humidex yesterday = 14.5 °C at 3:00 PM
Highest Humidex this week = 18.7 °C on 20 Oct 2024 1:00 PM
Highest Humidex this month = 22.4 °C on 7 Oct 2024 2:00 PM
Highest Humidex last month = 34.1 °C on 6 Sep 2024 2:00 PM

Lowest Humidex today = 8.4 °C at 4:00 AM
Lowest Humidex yesterday = 9.9 °C at 11:00 PM
Lowest Humidex this week = 8.4 °C on 22 Oct 2024 4:00 AM
Lowest Humidex this month = -0.8 °C on 11 Oct 2024 8:00 AM
Lowest Humidex last month = -5.6 °C on 30 Sep 2024 11:00 PM

Average Humidex today = 9.6 °C
Average Humidex yesterday = 12.6 °C
Average Humidex this week = 12.6 °C
Average Humidex this month = 12.2 °C
Average Humidex last month = 16.1 °C

Highest pressure today = 1,026.1 mb at 11:00 AM
Highest pressure yesterday = 1,021.7 mb at 10:25 PM
Highest pressure this week = 1,026.1 mb on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest pressure this month = 1,026.1 mb on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest pressure this year = 1,040.0 mb on 11 Jan 2024 9:00 PM
Highest pressure last year = 1,047.1 mb on 5 Feb 2023 11:56 AM

Lowest pressure today = 1,021.5 mb at 12:15 AM
Lowest pressure yesterday = 1,010.3 mb at 12:00 AM
Lowest pressure this week = 1,001.2 mb on 20 Oct 2024 12:30 PM
Lowest pressure this month = 986.0 mb on 9 Oct 2024 7:00 AM
Lowest pressure this year = 971.0 mb on 28 Mar 2024 4:00 AM

Average pressure today = 1,023.7 mb
Average pressure yesterday = 1,018.0 mb
Average pressure this week = 1,014.6 mb
Average pressure this month = 1,009.4 mb
Average pressure this year = 1,011.8 mb
Average pressure last year = 1,012.9 mb
Average pressure of all time = 1,013.7 mb

Highest wind speed today = 0 MPH at 11:00 AM
Highest wind speed yesterday = 0 MPH at 11:00 PM
Highest wind speed this week = 0 MPH on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest wind speed this month = 0 MPH on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest wind speed last month = 0 MPH on 30 Sep 2024 11:00 PM
Highest wind speed this year = 0 MPH on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest wind speed last year = 0 MPH on 31 Dec 2023 10:00 PM

Average wind speed today = 0.0 MPH
Average wind speed yesterday = 0.0 MPH
Average wind speed this week = 0.0 MPH
Average wind speed this month = 0.0 MPH
Average wind speed last month = 0.0 MPH
Average wind speed this year = 0.0 MPH
Average wind speed last year = 0.0 MPH

Average wind gust today = 0.0 MPH
Average wind gust yesterday = 0.0 MPH
Average wind gust this week = 0.0 MPH
Average wind gust this month = 0.0 MPH
Average wind gust this year = 0.0 MPH

Wind run today: 0.00 miles
Wind run yesterday: 0.00 miles
Wind run this week: 0.00 miles
Wind run this month: 0.00 miles
Wind run last month: 0.00 miles
Wind run this year: 0.00 miles
Wind run last year: 0.00 miles
Wind run all time: 0.01 miles

Average wind direction today = 0 degrees
Average wind direction yesterday = 0 degrees
Average wind direction this week = 0 degrees
Average wind direction this month = 0 degrees
Average wind direction this year = 0 degrees
Average wind direction last year = 0 degrees

Highest rain rate today = 0.0 mm/h at 11:00 AM
Highest rain rate yesterday = 0.0 mm/h at 11:00 PM
Highest rain rate this week = 1.4 mm/h on 20 Oct 2024 1:00 PM
Highest rain rate this month = 48.0 mm/h on 8 Oct 2024 6:45 PM
Highest rain rate this year = 89.4 mm/h on 26 May 2024 1:10 PM
Highest rain rate last year = 225.8 mm/h on 18 Jun 2023 5:00 PM
Highest rain rate this season = 89.4 mm/h on 26 May 2024 1:10 PM

Average rain rate today = 0.0000 mm/h
Average rain rate yesterday = 0.0000 mm/h
Average rain rate this week = 0.0222 mm/h
Average rain rate this month = 0.1304 mm/h
Average rain rate this year = 0.0666 mm/h
Average rain rate last year = 0.0750 mm/h
Average rain rate this season = 0.0666 mm/h

Rain today = 0.0 mm
Rain since 9 a.m. = 0.0 mm
Rain yesterday = 0.0 mm
Rain this week = 1.6 mm
Rain over the last 7 days = 11.8 mm
Rain this month = 50.6 mm
Rain this year = 441.4 mm
Rain last year = 575.8 mm
Rain this season = 441.4 mm

The wettest day this week: 20 Oct 2024 (1.6mm)
The wettest day last week: 19 Oct 2024 (7.2mm)
The wettest day this month: 8 Oct 2024 (18.2mm)
The wettest day this year: 28 Apr 2024 (21.0mm)
The wettest day last year: 18 Sep 2023 (28.8mm)
The wettest day of all time: 18 Sep 2023 (28.8mm)

Number of rain days this week: 1
Number of rain days last week: 2
Number of rain days this month: 7
Number of rain days last month: 12
Number of rain days this year: 75
Number of rain days last year: 109
Number of rain days since records began: 295

Highest internal temperature today = 21.2°C at 10:50 AM
Highest internal temperature yesterday = 21.4°C at 5:30 PM
Highest internal temperature this week = 21.4°C on 21 Oct 2024 5:30 PM
Highest internal temperature this month = 22.1°C on 1 Oct 2024 3:15 PM
Highest internal temperature this year = 26.5°C on 19 Jul 2024 11:05 PM
Highest internal temperature last year = 27.5°C on 9 Sep 2023 6:18 PM
Highest internal temperature of all time = 30.8°C on 19 Jul 2022 10:04 PM

Lowest internal temperature today = 14.3 °C at 7:55 AM
Lowest internal temperature yesterday = 14.7 °C at 7:25 AM
Lowest internal temperature this week = 14.3 °C on 22 Oct 2024 7:55 AM
Lowest internal temperature this month = 10.7 °C on 13 Oct 2024 12:45 PM
Lowest internal temperature this year = 0.5 °C on 18 Jan 2024 8:10 AM
Lowest internal temperature last year = 12.2 °C on 2 Dec 2023 8:16 PM

Average internal temperature today = 16.7 °C
Average internal temperature yesterday = 17.3 °C
Average internal temperature this week = 16.6 °C
Average internal temperature this month = 15.9 °C
Average internal temperature this year = 16.9 °C
Average internal temperature last year = 20.0 °C

Highest internal humidity today = 72 % at 8:00 AM
Highest internal humidity yesterday = 73 % at 8:00 AM
Highest internal humidity this week = 77% on 20 Oct 2024 3:25 PM
Highest internal humidity this month = 77 % on 20 Oct 2024 3:25 PM
Highest internal humidity this year = 79 % on 12 Mar 2024 4:35 PM
Highest internal humidity last year = 67 % on 1 Nov 2023 9:00 AM

Lowest internal humidity today = 64 % at 10:00 AM
Lowest internal humidity yesterday = 65 % at 10:05 AM
Lowest internal humidity this week = 64 % on 22 Oct 2024 10:00 AM
Lowest internal humidity this month = 59 % on 11 Oct 2024 4:00 PM
Lowest internal humidity this year = 49 % on 28 Apr 2024 8:30 PM
Lowest internal humidity last year = 39 % on 4 Apr 2023 4:40 PM

Average internal humidity today = 69 %
Average internal humidity yesterday = 70 %
Average internal humidity this week = 71 %
Average internal humidity this month = 71 %
Average internal humidity this year = 66 %
Average internal humidity last year = 53 %

Highest solar radiation today = 137 W/m^2 at 10:55 AM
Highest solar radiation yesterday = 120 W/m^2 at 12:55 PM
Highest solar radiation this week = 137 W/m^2 on 22 Oct 2024 10:55 AM
Highest solar radiation last week = 552 W/m^2 on 19 Oct 2024 1:20 PM
Highest solar radiation this month = 714 W/m^2 on 3 Oct 2024 1:30 PM
Highest solar radiation last month = 861 W/m^2 on 8 Sep 2024 2:10 PM
Highest solar radiation this year = 1206 W/m^2 on 15 Jun 2024 2:15 PM
Highest solar radiation last year = 1252 W/m^2 on 1 Jun 2023 2:02 PM

Lowest solar radiation today = 0 W/m^2 at 7:00 AM
Lowest solar radiation yesterday = 0 W/m^2 at 11:00 PM
Lowest solar radiation this week = 0 W/m^2 on 22 Oct 2024 7:00 AM
Lowest solar radiation this month = 0 W/m^2 on 22 Oct 2024 7:00 AM
Lowest solar radiation this year = 0 W/m^2 on 22 Oct 2024 7:00 AM
Lowest solar radiation last year = 0 W/m^2 on 31 Dec 2023 10:00 PM

Average solar radiation today = 25 W/m^2
Average solar radiation yesterday = 23 W/m^2
Average solar radiation this week = 21 W/m^2
Average solar radiation last week = 34 W/m^2
Average solar radiation this month = 36 W/m^2
Average solar radiation last month = 50 W/m^2
Average solar radiation this year = 64 W/m^2
Average solar radiation last year = 68 W/m^2

Hours of sunshine today = 0.00
Hours of sunshine yesterday = 0.00
Hours of sunshine this week = 0.00
Hours of sunshine last week = 5.00
Hours of sunshine this month = 15.43
Hours of sunshine last month = 31.13
Hours of sunshine this year = 491.50
Hours of sunshine last year = 646.10
Hours of sunshine for all time = 1,920.84

The sunniest day this week: 22 Oct 2024 (0.00 hours)
The sunniest day last week: 19 Oct 2024 (1.72 hours)
The sunniest day this month: 11 Oct 2024 (2.87 hours)
The sunniest day last month: 16 Sep 2024 (3.62 hours)
The sunniest day this year: 30 Apr 2024 (6.00 hours)
The sunniest day last year: 20 Apr 2023 (7.53 hours)
The sunniest day of all time: 29 Apr 2022 (7.86 hours)

U.V. (Note: There is no U.V. sensor on the station here - these will all read 0)
Highest U.V. today = 0.0 at 11:00 AM
Highest U.V. yesterday = 0.0 at 11:00 PM
Highest U.V. this week = 0.0 on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest U.V. this month = 0.0 on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Highest U.V. this year = 0.0 on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM

Lowest U.V. today = 0.0 at 11:00 AM
Lowest U.V. yesterday = 0.0 at 11:00 PM
Lowest U.V. this week = 0.0 on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Lowest U.V. this month = 0.0 on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
Lowest U.V. this year = 0.0 on 22 Oct 2024 11:00 AM

Average U.V. today = 0.0
Average U.V. yesterday = 0.0
Average U.V. this week = 0.0
Average U.V. this month = 0.0
Average U.V. this year = 0.0

Additional Sensor Stats (v1.2.0 or later)

Max Loft Temperature today: 18.9 on 10:00 AM
Max Loft Temperature this week: 19.4 on 21 Oct 2024 4:35 PM
Max Loft Temperature this month: 20.0 on 1 Oct 2024 3:00 PM
Max Loft Temperature this year: 31.7 on 29 Jun 2024 5:45 PM
Max Loft Temperature last year: 35.0 on 22 Jan 2023 3:40 PM
Max Loft Temperature for all time: 36.1 on 10 Oct 2022 4:06 PM

Min Loft Temperature today: 11.7 on 8:00 AM
Min Loft Temperature yesterday: 12.2 on 8:00 AM
Min Loft Temperature this week: 11.7 on 22 Oct 2024 8:00 AM
Min Loft Temperature this month: 7.8 on 13 Oct 2024 11:35 AM
Min Loft Temperature this year: 0.0 on 18 Jan 2024 8:00 AM
Min Loft Temperature last year: 1.7 on 30 Nov 2023 9:00 AM
Min Loft Temperature for all time: -0.6 on 28 Nov 2021 10:00 AM

Average Loft Temperature today: 14.4
Average Loft Temperature yesterday: 14.7
Average Loft Temperature this week: 14.1
Average Loft Temperature last week: 12.9
Average Loft Temperature this month: 13.4
Average Loft Temperature last month: 16.7
Average Loft Temperature this year: 15.6
Average Loft Temperature last year: 14.0
Average Loft Temperature for all time: 14.3

Max Soil Temperature this month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Max Soil Temperature for all time: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM

Min Soil Temperature this month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Soil Temperature for all time: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM

Average Soil Temperature today: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature yesterday: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature this week: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature last week: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature this month: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature last month: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature this year: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature last year: 0.0
Average Soil Temperature for all time: 0.0

Max Leaf Wetness this week: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Leaf Wetness this week: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Average Leaf Wetness this week: 0
Max Leaf Wetness this month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Leaf Wetness this month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Average Leaf Wetness this month: 0

Max Soil Moisture this month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Max Soil Moisture last month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Max Soil Moisture this year: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Max Soil Moisture last year: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Max Soil Moisture for all time: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM

Min Soil Moisture this month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Soil Moisture last month: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Soil Moisture this year: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Soil Moisture last year: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM
Min Soil Moisture for all time: N/A on 1 Jan 1970 2:00 AM

Average Soil Moisture this month: 0
Average Soil Moisture this year: 0
Average Soil Moisture last year: 0
Average Soil Moisture for all time: 0